Eligibility Criteria

Locally incorporated Sdn Bhd
Up to 100% foreign ownership

Industrial Complex
Open to Sole Proprietorship, Partnership and Sdn Bhd registered under the Business Names Act and Companies Act (Chap 39)
Owner(s)/Shareholders must be 100% Yellow IC holder
Maximum up to 2 units only for Sole Proprietorship and Partnership
Youth Ground;
Owner(s)/Shareholders must be of age 18 – 35
Owner(s)/Shareholders must be 100% Yellow IC holder
Open to Sole Proprietorship and Sdn Bhd businesses
New startups and existing businesses are welcome to apply

Other Criteria
Activity must be suitable and matches the purpose of the Land / Industrial Complex use (such as manufacturing, processing and value-added activities)
Registered with JobCentre Brunei
Registered and update business information with Online Business Reporting
For existing tenant, applicant must have a valid and no breach of lease/tenancy agreement, and have no outstanding lease/rental fee and utilities (including electricity)
Employment status: current & future local workforce (meeting minimum ratio based on industry sectors)
Audit & tax returns status: regular audit, updated filing, tax paid (for Sdn Bhd)
For general enquiries, you may contact us via email at business.assessment@bedb.gov.bn
Required information
Audited and/or Management Account for the past 3 years (Balanced Sheet, Profit & Loss and Cashflow Statement)
Projected Financial Account for the next 10 years
Shareholders/Owner’s Identification Card
Incorporation/Registration Certificate
Shareholders’ Certificate (for Sdn Bhd)
Latest Annual Return (for Sdn Bhd)
Tax Filling Receipts for the past 3 years from Revenue Division (for Sdn Bhd)
Latest Form X
Organization Structure
Company Profile
JobCentre Screenshot
Business Reporting Screenshot (Register at www.business.gov.bn)
Proposed Layout Plan/Approve As Built Plan
Approval Letter from Land Department, Ministry of Development
Site Survey Plan from Survey Department, Ministry of Development
Latest Receipt of Land Tax Payment from Land Department, Ministry of Development